Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown
Brene Browns research is always so timely and hits right where we need it. What I took away from Atlas was that there are complicated and deep emotions which we all experience and we do not have proper language for. Brown states that in order to understand those feelings we NEED language or words to describe them. This is pretty eye opening.
My therapist once told me to check myself when I used the word “overwhelmed,” arguing that this word was a heavy word that intimated I was paralyzed and could not go on. If we use words that describe what we are feeling maybe we can help the way we feel….?
She also has so much to say about how we cannot judge a person’s reaction like she initially thought. There are so many feelings that are so close to one another. The best thing to do is be vulnerable and ask the person. Love that.
PS – I now have the word schadenfreude in my lexicon.
Books by Christen Bensten
Crazy On You – new release! Have you read it? If so, would you be willing to write an Amazon and/or Goodreads review if you liked it?
Starving by Christen Bensten
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